Sunday, January 06, 2008

More Christmas Pictures (that I meant to put up yesterday :)

Jonah loves puzzles!

Christmas Dinner

Attacking Uncle Ben.

Jonah and his cousin Aidan ("Ali" in Jonah language) had a lot of fun playing together.
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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Aidan, Sam, and Jonah at the National Zoo.

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Touring Washington D.C.
How appropriate for the McFarland family -- Our first stop -- Albert Einstein! The boys had a lot of fun running in circles around Albert. We were able to get them to stop momentarily to take a picture.
Jonah and Daddy on the steps of the Lincoln Monument.
Too cute.

I had to include a bath picture.
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This picture was taken at the Christmas party where Jonah goes to daycare. He is at a home daycare two days a week and is beginning to like it. The women that work there are wonderful and they constantly comment on what a sweet little boy Jonah is and how good he is with the younger children.
Jonah and Daddy at the Christmas party. I would do a lot of silly things to get smiles like that.
Christmas morning!!! Jonah spent Christmas morning with mom and dad. Jonah walked downstairs and said, "Oh Boy"! Jonah got a bike from our friends in AZ (Thank you Katrina, Eric, Ryder and Oliver), some Duplos, an art easel (thanks Grandma), some brio (thanks Nana) and lots of little toys. Nana arrived around noon and Uncle Paul and Aunt Sara, and Uncle Ben, Aunt Laurie, Sam and Aidan arrived very very late Christmas night.
Playing with his choo choo trains.
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