Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Jonah was a pirate and Jacqueline was a pumpkin.  This was the first Halloween that Jonah really understood what was going on.  We trick-or-treated with a bunch of friends from the neighborhood, and there were tons of kids wandering around Foxhall Village having a great time.  Jonah inherited his mommy's sweet tooth, and was bouncing off the walls for a couple of days based on his loot.  Daddy has been doing his best to help Jonah get through the candy :)

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!

Jonah insists that he is a "good pirate" not a "scary pirate"

Cutest pumpkin I've ever seen

Emre, Charlie, and Jonah trick or treating

Jonah, Emre, and Lea setting up spider webs outside

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Marine Corps Marathon

I ran the Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday, October 26, 2008.  I am just getting around to posting about it now because this is the first time I could walk all of the way to the computer since the run.  Really, though, it was a great marathon.  At the start line, I was surrounded by marines, and they started singing some sort of marine song about going off to war.  Very motivating stuff as you're getting ready for your first marathon.  I met my goal of finishing in less than four hours, and was able to raise some money for an injured marine charity along the way.  While I didn't win the race, I certainly had the cutest support/cheering crew of the 30,000 runners by far.  Many of our friends from the neighborhood came out to cheer (and/or jeer) me along.

Gram with Jacqueline after the race

Jonah and Jackie waiting for daddy

Snug as a bug in a rug

Buon Giorno, Principessa! (my favorite picture from the race)

Daddy giving some tips to a future 2:30 marathoner. . .

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Grandpa and Nana visit DC

We had a great visit with Grandpa and Nana when they came to visit October 10-12.  Grandpa got to meet Jackie for the first time.  As always, the kiddos were spoiled and it was great to spend the weekend with the family.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jonathan's Admission to the Federal Circuit Bar

I was admitted to the Federal Circuit Bar on October 7, 2008. Judge Prost said some really nice things from the bench, and made a point to mention Jessi, Jonah, and Jacqueline. I don't know how to express what an amazing year this has been without sounding like I'm kissing up, but I feel so blessed to work for such a wonderful judge and with so many talented clerks at the court. Now I understand why former clerks always tell me that this is the best job I will ever have. . .
Jonathan & Jacqueline

Judge Prost, Jacqueline, Jonathan, and Jessi

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Baby Jacqueline's Dedication

Jacqueline was dedicated on Sunday, October 5, 2008, at DC Metro Church in Arlington, VA.  David and Taryn Stine's youngest son Josiah was also dedicated on the same day.  It was a very special day.  Jacqueline wore a beautiful pink dress from Nana, but we didn't get any close-up pictures :)  Ooops. . .

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Family Pictures

We had these pictures taken a few months ago, but we just realized that none were posted on the blog.  These were taken at the Lincoln memorial, a few miles from our house, when Jackie was 13 days old.  Jonah lost his monkey when we were in Seattle a few weeks ago, but Nana came this weekend and saved the day, bringing him a new monkey :)