Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Can you believe that Jon cut down our Christmas tree??? Of course, he had Jonah and Uncle Stephen to help. Our beautiful Christmas tree is standing next to Jessi.

Jonah really really really loves cell phones. He has both of Jon's in his hands.

Jon was admitted to the CA bar on Monday. Yeahh!!! Jonah tried to compete with the Judge for everyones attention. All he wanted to do was to crawl everywhere during the ceremony.

Thanks GG, GGP, and Aunt Karen for this great gift. We are all singing the animal train song and Jonah drives the animal train all over our house.
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Rachael said...

Congratulations to John for being admitted to the bar!

You guys all look great and jonah just keeps getting more and more adorable.....

Devon said...

Congrats to Jon!

Thanks for posting the pics... they are tooo cute! We can't get enough... are there more Christmas pics? We want to see all the new toys!

Hope you had a happy holiday and best wishes for a Happy New Year!

~devon and aspen